Spooky Milk Life- V .61.4p aka Demo

H Scene Count- 43~ in the replay gallery. There’s plenty of animation only and just general lewd imagery in the main game as well.

Created by MangoMango and Studio Gingko

Length- I think you could clear the main bit in 3 hours. Everything in 8~.


This is currently a free demo on steam and probably a few other places.

This is a dating sim/roguelite hybrid with lots of big boobs. It’s Korean made, so the English is pretty bad at points, more on that under story. It’s very similar game design wise to School of Lust. The core of this is the “younger sis” style girl of the usual western boy in house of girl story’s.


I want to start with the English, and I’ll use the main girl for this. Her name is one of the following: Raurie, Rori, Laurie. There’s more and the game switches all the time. The game is translated out of Korean, and while it is understandable the wording is pretty bad. So while I could see someone liking the animations or designs, the dialogue is more of a joke then anything else.

Anyway, Dad vanished(he’s some kind of special agent probably) and kid moves in with a family of a women his father could have married and her 2 daughters. Daughters are both pretty distant, the Mom’s cool though. The town’s pretty weird though. Dildo adds on tv, huge boobs everywhere, the toy store is an onahole and dildo store, and so on. The toy factory behind the toy store? It’s haunted or something with the toys attacking you.

The idea is the town should be unsettling, but to me it’s not that weird. The whole everyone is a sex addict is actually more common in these settings then you would think and while the dungeon thing is interesting, School of Lust was more unsettling.

So the game’s story for now is mostly Rori’s arc of getting close to her. There’s other girls to bang, but they all only have 2 real pieces of content which mostly just justify h scenes.


So like School of Lust, you have above ground and below ground stuff. Let’s talk about the RPG below stuff first.

It’ roguelite rooms, no puzzles. You have to find a key to get to the next floor as the stairs always spawn behind the locked door. Each floor only has 2 enemy types with a boss which will become a normal enemy on the next floor. Currently the dungeon is only 3 floors long, and starting on floor 2 you have a heal room that spawns.

Combat is timing based. When you attack you get a timing bar. Middle/red zone is crit, yellow is normal and the rest is a miss. Then the enemy goes and they all have two attacks. A physical one, which uses the same bar as your attack to block damage and a sexual attack that you mash to escape. You have an orgasm gauge, when it fills you take a full hits worth of damage, 2 of which can kill you no issue. Your HP never goes up, but the rest of your combat stuff can. Each floor ends with a safe room with an upgrade token, which is used above ground to raise your 3 stats. Dex makes the red section of the bar bigger, strength makes the yellow bar bigger, and Int makes your orgasm gauge take longer to fill. That last one is way more useful then you would think, as the current final boss is a puzzle boss who sex attacks you each time you fail and instant kills you if you orgasm.

There’s also weapons you can buy and upgrade. You have a DIY station at home for crafting, which mostly uses enemy drops. Strangely, enemies don’t drop items, you check their bodies after winning for drops. Weapons break with use, but are easy to keep repaired and you can have a bunch of them.

So above ground is a dating sim. You actually still use the attack bar for massaging the girls for affection. Which for some girls is the only option to do so. At 50 affection the girls give out a quest for their first sex scene, then another quest at 100. Rori is the only one with more then that, but her quest is a big thing. The stat training uses the sex combat thing where you mash for success. It has a day night system which is mostly for character availability. A seasonal system too, but for the demo only winter matters for 2 girls.

So the loop is massage/quest for a girl twice a day, which puts the time at 6PM. You then go dungeon delving for drops or money to complete quests or get your weapons/sex toys upgraded. The enemy parts are mostly only from them, money though can be gambled via Blackjack which kind of weakens the loop for me but does speed things up. Some sellable drops have been added which does fix up the money issue a bit.

H and Other stuff

There’s some stuff to talk about here. It’s rare for this section to be long, but here we go.

This has some variety of what you sleep with. Parody girls like the Mario Bros and Santa, with a Waldo standing around and probably getting content at some point. The enemies are the real weird part though. First enemy of the game is a teddy bear. With huge tits. It’s like a foot or two tall. Then you have a wind up doll, a nutcracker doll, and a gundam inspired thing. All with big tits and two scenes each.

Enemies are good start to the two different kinds of content the game has. The in battle scenes they have are the standard animation and art style. A low detail, simple animation loop that uses the standard art colors and style. You mash to get through. The training mini games also use this style and a few other random things through town use similar styles.

The other style, which you get by buying the toys and fixing them up, is a full cg with a lot more darker coloring and some text before getting into an animation loop. For side girls they each get two of these, Rori has 7.

As for the actual content, not a lot of variety of acts. Gallery/cg scene wise, Rori has 5 vaginal scenes and 1 bj. Each of the town girls gets 1 bj and 1 vaginal scene, except the girl in the bear mascot outfit who gets a titfuck. There’s a few play types mixed in, but it’s mostly just horny as fuck people banging. Actual in scene dialogue is about 6 to 10 lines of basic dick big, you wet kind of stuff or commenting on the play. The setup is usually lewder then the actual in scene talk. After the talking you have to sit on the looping animation of the scene until your orgasm gauge fills, with all you can do is speeding the animation up and down, which does change the fill rate of the gauge.

Right now the gallery is only animations. All actual scenes are replayable in the game, most just by talking to the girl in question or for the monster scenes, from the toy box in your room. A few of animation only stuff is found through town only, so hunt around.

As for expanding on what the game has, I love the toy factory as the enemies. It’s so different then just another monster girl set and is probably the big reason I ran through the whole game. I really hope this gets more content or another dungeon similar in vein is added. It’s way to unique as a design set.

Graveyard was added second, not as fun as toy factory.


Strange. Having the combat minigame used for affection is weird but does make getting some stats up more useful. Combat is really simple and the dungeon sometimes way to long for an early dungeon. The world is more wacky to me then spooky, but it does have a factory of sex murder dolls. Seems interesting and if a full release does happen, then I’ll jump on that. having a finished game in this style is really rare.

Really, I just want more weird enemy stuff. Sexy teddy bear and nutcracker is way to silly a concept.

Save for Spooky Milk Life demo(.61.4p)

Contains- Full out of game gallery unlocked and basically 100% of in game content done and ready for scenes. Best weapons and maxed stats as well.


Added the merchant outside of the graveyard scene along with a fight with her and she’s the only tough enemy in the game other then the toy factory gimmick fight. She 2 shots and takes like 200 damage to beat. One of her scenes is her in battle animation which felt like a better reward then the buff item she actually gives you.

There’s also a gnome with a cg scene and in battle animation scene, a new Missy(Ma) scene, and the chicken eating girl in the gym has her two scenes. I specifically wanted to wait until a bit more was added, but Christmas was coming and this was easy to catch up on.

Really wish they would fix the sister as right now her content is in the game, but not the gallery and I think some point in her stuff just breaks things.

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